0.13.0-beta1a [2019-11-21] - hotfix for a segfault when using Impressive on Linux with PyGame installed from pip (instead of the distribution's package manager) 0.13.0-beta1 [2019-11-20] - Python 3 compatibility: should work with Python 2.7 and >= 3.6 now - Win32 build uses 64-bit Python 3 - improved support for non-ASCII characters in page titles (as extracted with pdftk) - fixed box-zoom mode display error in half-page mode - added option to set last page of page progress bar (--progress-last) - added separate overview animation time option (--overtime) - can now have multiple progress bars at once - page progress is moved to top of screen if any other bar is visible - "auto progress" is stacked over duration bar if both are visible 0.12.1 [2019-08-28] - fixed crash in crash reporter with recent Pillow versions - fixed crash with recent PyGame versions when non-latin characters appeared in slide titles - fixed page rotation - fixed -x/--fade mode - fixed directory playback mode - basic Raspberry Pi 4 compatibility (untested; requires X11) - more robust PDF hyperlink parser (page boxes can now be PDF references) - added option to temporarily inhibit automatic slideshows - default keybinding: [A] key, actions: auto-start, auto-stop, auto-toggle 0.12.0 [2018-02-04] - many zoom mode related changes - box-zoom mode: use Ctrl+LMB-drag to draw a box and zoom it to fit the screen; everything else is darkened - support for fractional zoom levels - ability to zoom further in than the hardware's maximum texture size (without additional sharpness though) - maximum zoom detail re-rendering level now limited to hardware capabilities or --maxzoom option - mouse wheel zooming - new effect of --nowheel option: can now enter zoom mode with mouse wheel - zoom mode panning now also with MMB (like in GIMP, Inkscape etc.) - many video related changes - allow videos in the file list (in addition to PDF files and images) - made --auto not interrupt videos - using omxplayer instead of MPlayer on Raspberry Pi - Win32 build now ships with a much less outdated version of MPlayer - changed MPlayer platform options - added workaround for Win32 MPlayer fullscreen issue that hid the Impressive window every time a video was played - made Impressive suitable for Raspberry Pi-based digital signage: - added boot_impressive.sh script (SVN only) that replaces init - added --bare option: disables any features that require temporary files - added --nooverview option: disables the overview page - added --nocursor option: disables any type of mouse cursor - made additional buttons of multi-button mice accessible as btn6, btn7, etc. - added options --box-edge, --zbox-edge and --zoomdarkess to configure highlight box / spotlight / zoom box appearance - added --time-display option: start with time display and tracking - some Makefile improvements: install and uninstall targets, PREFIX parameter 0.11.3 [2018-02-04] - fixed --auto mode that was broken in 0.11.2 (only worked properly for the first page) - fixed excessive mouse sensitivity in full-screen mode - fixed crashes when clicking hyperlinks in some PDFs - fixed non-working hyperlinks when more than one input document is specified 0.11.2 [2017-12-19] - added new MuPDF renderer, uses no temporary files or named pipes on POSIX with MuPDF >= 1.4 - can now use MuPDF's mutool instead of pdftk to get basic file information and unpack PDF files (for hyperlink decoding) - pdftk is no longer required to open "modern" PDF files - only page title extraction still needs pdftk - added --noquit option to prevent accidental single-key quitting - input files are now checked for playability (to prevent users from accidentally playing .info files) - fixed non-responsiveness to any controls on slow systems where rendering a page takes longer than the --auto interval - when cancelling a transition using a key or mouse click, the key press or click is no longer discarded - recommended to use a modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, or Shift) to cancel transitions without "side effects" - first page is now shown as early as possible (before fonts etc. have been preloaded) - fixed occasional re-rendering of pages that have already been rendered - fixed 'keys' PageProp that was broken since 0.11.0 - fixed missing OSD fonts in Win32 - fixed path detection of helper programs in Win32 - fixed Raspberry Pi compability (some libraries have been renamed) - fixed crash in --verbose mode - changed shebang line to 'python2' to avoid issues with Linux distributions that use Python 3.x by default - fixed --overscan option - fixed arrows in manpage - added section about Raspberry Pi to manual - Win32 build now uses Python 2.7 and PyInstaller 3.x and uses MuPDF (mutool) instead of Xpdf (pdftoppm) 0.11.1 [2015-11-12] - fix for newer PIL/Pillow versions that broke compatibility by removing .tostring() and .fromstring() - fixed crash when clicking on run: URI hyperlinks - PDF hyperlinks with file:// and run:// URIs now work correctly with quoted characters (e.g. spaces) in paths - added top-level synchronize() function to schedule calls in Impressive's main thead (useful for library mode) - explicitly printing traceback on crashes to ensure proper display on Win32 systems - early lookup of OpenGL vendor/renderer/version strings (to get more useful crash logs) - added Win32-specific OpenGL loader (instead of SDL fallback) - fixed SDL library lookup issue on newer Linux systems - OSD font lookup now works if the same font file exists multiple times in the font path - fixed crash when no OSD font is available 0.11.0 [2014-12-21] - full port from OpenGL 1.1 to OpenGL (ES) 2.0 - fully customizable key/mouse bindings (-e/--bind, -E/--controls, --control-help, --evtest) - MuPDF (mudraw/pdfdraw) rendering backend - 'transition' PageProp describes transition *to* the page, not after the page - Raspberry Pi compatibility - new shader-based blurring with desaturation + fallback to old method for old HW (autodetect or --noblur) - re-implemented all transitions with shaders (missing: PageTurn, SpinOutIn, SpiralOutIn, ZoomOutIn; new: WipeClouds, WipeBrightness1, WipeBrightness2) - compressed in-memory cache (-cz / --cache compressed) - removed -e/--noext and -R/--meshres due to obsolescence - --tracking enables time tracking right from the start - added -v/--verbose mode - MuPDF renderer backend can work via named pipes instead of temp files on Unix - alternate overview downscaling algorithm for slower systems (auto-detected) - internal default mouse cursor image - fixed OSD font rendering bug with Pillow - most platform-specific code now handled by abstraction layer; no direct PyGame calls in core - custom ctypes-based OpenGL loader instead of PyOpenGL - generic PDF renderer framework (necessary now that there's 3 renderers) - external PDF renderers are now called with 'nice' when background rendering on POSIX 0.10.5 [2014-05-02] - fixed bug that cause file lists ("@list.txt" parameters) to not work in 0.10.4 - some minor additions to the release script, only relevant for distributors 0.10.4 [2013-12-29] - changed Esc key behavior: doesn't quit immediately, leaves special modes first - middle mouse button in zoom mode now returns to normal mode (not overview) - mouse wheel can now be used to change pages (can be turned off with --nowheel) - info scripts now run from their (or the document's) directory - added 'C' key: clear all highlight boxes on current page - added --autoquit: quit Impressive at the end of the presentation - added --noclicks: don't change pages with mouse clicks - added --clock: display wall-clock time instead of elapsed time - added --half-screen: support for LaTeX-beamer's "show notes on second screen" - added --invert and 'invert' PageProp: RGB-invert pages - added --auto-auto: determine page timeout automatically from target duration - added --auto-progress: per-page timeout progress bar - added command-line option (--spot-radius), PageProp ('radius'), keyboard shortcuts ('9'/'0'/'-'/'+') and mouse wheel controls to set spotlight radius - added command-line option (--darkness), PageProp ('darkness') and keyboard shortcuts ('7'/'8') to set spotlight / highlight box background darkness - added "fake fullscreen" (borderless window) mode - window positioning is now possible with the --geometry option - Alt+Tab always minimizes the application when in fullscreen mode - Ctrl+PgUp/PgDn (and some other) key combo switches pages without transition - 'video' PageProp now also accepts a list of multiple files to be played - added support for Launch actions and file: and run: URIs in PDF hyperlinks - minimum highlight box size is now configurable, and measured in pixels - overscan is now cropped before adding letterbox/pillarbox borders - added more system information to the crash reporter - last-to-first-page transitions in wrap mode are no longer reversed - option parser accepts resolutions of up to 32Kx32K now - fixed an issue with zooming in presentations with varying page sizes - fixed compatibility with pdftk 1.45 and the PIL fork "Pillow" - fixed behavior of .info file name generation (didn't match documentation) - crash fixes with zero times in animations (e.g. --boxfade) - fixed crash with very many pages on very small screens - fixed info script error handling (could accidentally break PageProps) - many fixes in the PDF parser, manpage generator, Makefile and build system - Win32: fixed video support - Win32: added "press ENTER to quit" wait phase to crash handler - Win32: external tools (pdftk, pdftoppm, mplayer) are now searched in PATH - Win32: binary build system switched from py2exe to python-installer - Win32: added icon and version info block to binary build - minimized PyGame initialization: only display is initialized, no audio - added a simple "smoke test" to Makefile (based on Xvfb) - various other fixes and dead code removal 0.10.3 [2010-10-17] - fixed display problems when using odd window sizes - loading image data earlier so that no unhandled exceptions will be thrown when a file is broken - fixed typo in --aspect parameter - using -u doesn't periodically re-load the input file any longer if it changed only once - fixed a bunch of problems related to non-standard aspect ratios - adjustable zoom factor - black-out and white-out are now assigned to keys [.] and [,] - PDF hyperlinks are now also available if the cache is disabled - releasing all locks at the end of run_main() - included some library version numbers in crash messages - added option to fade in at program start and fade out at program end - added --nologo option - added shuffle feature - right mouse button will no longer switch to previous page in zoom mode (prevents accidental page switches) - improved MPlayer interface - added 'always' PageProp to play sound or video every time a page is entered - 'timeout' PageProp is now respected every time a page is entered if wrap mode (-w) is enabled - added finer-grained control over the progress bar colors and timing; added --page-progress option - added overscan option - display will now be quickly uninitialized when Impressive quits - improved PDF parser robustness - now using hashlib instead of md5 module, if available, to avoid a DeprecationWarning on Python 2.6 - software rendering warning now also reacts on any OpenGL renderer string beginning with 'software' - added FadeOutFadeIn transition (idea by Antonio Terceiro) - hyperlinks now work correctly on rotated pages 0.10.2 [2008-02-03] - --listtrans now shows which transitions are enabled by default - number of digits in pdftoppm output file names is cached - using xrandr to get current resolution on X11 - enabled URL hyperlinks using ShellExecute (Win32) or fd.o's xdg-open (UNIX) - 'keys' PageProp for arbitrary key bindings - exceptions in info scripts are now non-fatal - 'video' PageProp and PlayVideo() function for (HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL!!!) fullscreen video playback - PDF parser now emits warnings instead of failing silently if something isn't OK - support for list files using the @filename syntax - 'comment' PageProp displays overlay text on a slide permanently - added auto-overview mode (idea by Tobias Maier) - restore compatibility with KeyJnoteGUI 0.10.1a [2007-11-27] - restored compatibility with poppler-based pdftoppm - added Alt+Tab as alias for "exit fullscreen mode" - improved cleanup code 0.10.1 [2007-09-09] - re-enabled GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two support (was broken in 0.10.0) - PDF hyperlink support - added compatibility fix for PyOpenGL 3.x - generalized and simplified PageProp system - rotate PageProp - multi-file support - persistent cache 0.10.0 [2007-06-02] - added pdftoppm rendering backend - overview page update fix - more font search paths (DejaVuSans.ttf, OSX paths) - graceful handling of failed renders - converted logo to PNG - fixed -T0 crash - allowed None as a value for the 'transition' PageProp and -t parameter - added 'transtime' PageProp to set transition duration for single pages - R key: reset timer - added 'progress' PageProp to show/hide progress bar - added 'reset' PageProp to reset the timer when the page is left - allowed special value FirstTimeOnly for the 'reset' prop - L key: return to last (= most recently used) page or back - added OnEnter, OnLeave, OnEnterOnce and OnLeaveOnce page props - customizable OSD layout and alpha - I and O keys change 'skip' and 'overlay' PageProps interactively - now accepting image file names at the command line - fixed supersample mode - added key repeat to quickly change the spotlight size via the keyboard - Home and End keys now navigate to the start and end of the presentation - shortcut function for any unused letter, number or function key - removed PagePeel from the default transitions list - two new families of transitions: {Slide,Squeeze}{Left,Right,Up,Down} 0.9.4 [2007-03-19] - middle mouse button now acts as overview toggle - automatic display mode guessing now implemented on Unix, too - fixed 'T' key - fixed crash in the OSD code if a broken version of PIL is used - added gamma controls (courtesy of Luke Campagnola) - added progress bar / estimated duration - added loadable cursor image 0.9.3 [2007-02-26] - fixed indentation bug (removing a box caused a transition to the prev page) - improved pdftk parser (handles non-ASCII characters gracefully) - all messages are redirected to stderr - added timer ([T] key) and time tracking mode - made all main keyboard bindings unicode key queries 0.9.2 [2007-02-17] - fixed memory cache - added "polling" option - added "cache range" option - added overview page OSD 0.9.1 [2007-01-24] - FIX: 'whitening' mode didn't work with GL_EXT_texture_rectangle - FIX: crash when clicking a mouse button in fade mode - FIX: occasionally left behind temp files 0.9.0 [2007-01-07] - fixed all OpenGL calls to use the explicit form (glTexCoord2d instead of glTexCoord) - corrected texture target specification for rare transitions - added unicode key aliases for the [+] and [-] keys (should improve i18n) - added "fade to solid color" feature - added 'skip' PageProp - improved/fixed window caption in overview mode - GhostScript is now called with -dUseCropBox, should improve handling of some LaTeX-beamer generated PDFs - using a temp file for the page cache now - added background rendering - Win32: true fullscreen by default 0.8.3 [2006-09-28] - 'overview' PageProp to remove pages from the overview screen - experimental aspect ratio option - new transition contributed by Ronan Le Hy - OpenGL non-power-of-two texture size extension support 0.8.2 [2006-07-13] - fixed crash on some files - added overview mode keyboard navigation - added "--rotate" option 0.8.1 [2006-02-04] - made OpenGL error reporting more concise - added "render" option to produce PNG files from a PDF 0.8.0 [2005-11-23] - fixed command-line option parser - changed some cmdline options (see documentation or -h) - added new --transition option to specify which transitions can be chosen randomly - added some new transitions from Rob Reid - fixed image file mode - fixed display of portrait images or pages - added experimental 2x zoom mode 0.7.2 [2005-10-24] - fixed two annoying bugs introduced in 0.7.1, related to mouse key remapping - fixed bug that caused parts of the old page content to be visible after transitions - added two slideshow-related options 0.7.1 [2005-10-22] - more intuitive highlight box handling (the middle mouse button is no longer used to create and destroy highlight boxes; instead, dragging the mouse while LMB is pressed creates a box and clicking with RMB deletes a box) - added 'initial page number' option (-i) 0.7.0 [2005-09-29] - fixed bug in overview page that caused the program to crash if the user clicked outside the area occupied by thumbnails - added 'timeout' PageProp to automatically advance to the next page - added EXPERIMENTAL support for sound via 'sound' PageProp 0.6.3 [2005-09-07] - Some PDF files generated by pdflatex would not play because of negative object counts. Fixed. 0.6.2 [2006-09-06] - bugfix: filenames with spaces didn't work on Win32 0.6.1 [2005-09-05] - initial public release