done [readme] mention Brack done [readme] hint for the audience not to read the scroller done [readme] hint for the audience to find the game scene color bug done [music] real music :) done [loader] something different done [loader] a sensible text :) done [somewhere] a photo undone [blackhole] smooth background done [dices] rotating rubik cube unneeded[dices] "Who is this Rubik guy anyway?" unneeded[game] fix wrong colors (maybe) done [game] "Mensch ärgere dich nicht" done [game] "You wanna play?" + dice done [game] camera path done [warp] background done [nature] some text done? [nature/columns] start to occlude screen edges while nature still runs done [columns] more compact bitmap representation skipped [columns] overlay flickering done [egypt] adjust water color to whatever gabi suggests